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Student Research Presentation Competition for Middle School, High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students

Student Research Presentation Competition for Middle School, High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students

The AISES National Conference is Now a Virtual Event

AISES is excited to announce the 2020 AISES National Conference will continue as planned as a virtual event, with the addition of an all-new virtual format and activities. Learn More

All attendees must be registered by October 5th to receive access to the event.

Student Research Presentation Competition for Middle School, High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students

PRESENT and COMPETE at the 2020 AISES National Conference, held virtually on October 15-17, 2020! 

Deadlines to receive registration discounts for complete submissions are:

  • By July 1, 2020 - 100% discount on conference registration 
  • July 2 to August 1, 2020 - 50% discount
  • August 2 to September 1, 2020 - no discount
  • After September 1, 2020 - no submissions will be accepted

* Incomplete submissions will not be accepted until the date they are complete. Incomplete submissions include missing names, titles, and/or components of the abstracts. 

Research presentations will be accepted if the following criteria are met:

  • Presenter must be a current AISES member. Obtain free student membership or your membership number here:
  • Presenter must be a current middle school (poster only), high school (poster only), undergraduate, or graduate student
  • Presentation must be on research in STEM, STEM Education, Traditional Native Knowledge, and/or other disciplines appropriate for the AISES conference.
  • Submission must be complete, especially the abstract. See below for the abstract format.
  • Submission must be edited for errors - free of formatting, spelling, and grammatical errors. You may be asked to provide edits and your submission will not be accepted until this is complete.

Abstract Format

An abstract summarizes the major aspects of the entire project in a prescribed sequence including:

  1. the overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 
  2. the basic design and/or methods of the study; 
  3. major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and,
  4. a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions. 

(Writing an Abstract. The Writing Center. Clarion University, 2009.)

AISES encourages research collaborations, however the following restrictions apply:

  • Middle and high school students can present in pairs and any awards or prizes must be divided amongst the group members.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students presenting in poster format can only present individually, no teams.
  • Undergraduate and graduate students presenting in oral format can present individually or in a team, though
    • Only individual presentations are eligible for the awards competition.
    • Group presentations are allowed but will NOT be included in the competition. If you are presenting with a professional, please have the professional submit the research presentation proposal under the professional’s category.
  • You are welcome to list co-authors, who are not co-presenters.

To Apply

  1. Please review the Research Abstract Form example and the Abstract Format above prior to submitting.
  2. Create an account, complete the online application, and submit your abstract. Please keep your account information handy, in case you must submit edits.
  3. Select “Presentation Type” either oral or poster. Keep in mind:
    • ORAL presentations
      • Open only to undergraduate and graduate students
      • Oral presentation space is limited
      • Oral presentations will take place October 16th (Friday) at specified times
      • Oral presentations are 20 minutes long, including questions and answers
    • POSTER presentations
      • Open to middle school, high school, undergraduate, and graduate students
      • Poster presentations will take place in the exhibit hall with the career fair on October 16th from 9am to 12pm. Presenters must stay for the entire three hours.

Remember to wait to register for the Conference until your research presentation is confirmed by AISES and receive a registration discount code. If you register and pay before receiving this code, your registration refund is subject to the Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Apply Now

For questions or more information, please contact Chelsea Chee,

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