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Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

The AISES National Conference is Now a Virtual Event

AISES is excited to announce the 2020 AISES National Conference will continue as planned as a virtual event, with the addition of an all-new virtual format and activities. Learn More

All attendees must be registered by October 5th to receive access to the event.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Virtual Conference 

The 2020 AISES National Conference is now being planned as a virtual only event! We appreciate your support and participation more than ever to ensure a highly valuable and successful conference experience for all.

The 2020 Partnership Guide has been updated with some new and exciting benefits for our Gemstone and other event sponsors. Those that choose to exhibit only will have enhanced packages as well.

In addition to the sponsorship options previously available, we have some additional opportunities to support the event including:

Virtual Conference Platform ($50,000 investment or 2 co-sponsors at $25,000)
Help AISES bring its plenary events, sessions and the career fair to a virtual platform! Sponsor will be acknowledged in all print and digital conference materials, including premier logo visibility on the digital platform.

Virtual Help Desk ($10,000 investment)
We are pleased to offer support and exceptional customer service to all National Conference attendees, including those who participate virtually. The Virtual Help Desk will be located in the lobby of the virtual conference. The sponsor’s logo will be placed in the Help Desk and will be acknowledged in all event materials.

Virtual Student Scholarships ($125/each or $5,000 for College Chapter)
Underwrite an AISES student’s virtual conference registration or sponsor an entire college chapter! Chapter sponsors will be acknowledged in all event materials and will have the opportunity to have a virtual networking session or webinar with the chapter before or following the event.

Educational Programming & Academic Competitions

AISES provides a multitude of educational workshops, trainings and sessions to its members throughout the National Conference. These offerings are designed to help prepare and encourage students so they may successfully progress to the next level of their educational and professional pursuits.

Research Competitions

Graduate, undergraduate and high school students submit written abstracts and present their research using a poster or oral format. Submissions are evaluated by a committee of STEM professionals. 

Graduate Research Oral & Poster Competitions (2 co-sponsors at $5,000 - 1 Available)
Sponsors will receive acknowledgment in the conference program, research abstract booklet, and during the Student Awards Program.

Undergraduate Research Oral & Poster Competitions (2 co-sponsors at $5,000 - 1 Available)
Sponsors will receive acknowledgment in the conference program, research abstract booklet, and during the Student Awards Luncheon.

High School Poster Competition ($5,000 investment) sold
Sponsors will receive acknowledgment in the conference program, research abstract booklet, at the presentation location, and during the Student Awards Luncheon.

Student Research Abstract Booklet ($2,500 investment)
The digital student research abstract booklet contains the abstracts of all student research projects presented during the poster and oral competitions. The sponsor’s logo will be featured prominently in the digital issue (posted online) and acknowledged in the conference program.

Educational Sessions and Workshops

Student Orientation ($5,000 investment)
Provide five-minute welcoming remarks in a pre-recorded video at the mandatory orientation for all student conference attendees.

Session Tracks ($5,000 investment)
Includes recognition in conference program and a 5-minute pre-recorded video welcome from the sponsoring organization preceding the first session of each track. Sponsors may select from the following:

Agricultural Sciencessold
Health and Medical Science
Computer Science

High School
STEM & Business


STEM Activity Day ($10,000 investment)sold
A conference event targeting middle and high school students with hands on programming and interactive sessions.

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Student Awards Ceremony (Co-Sponsor, for reduced investment of $5,000) 
The Student Awards Ceremony pays tribute to the talented pre-college and college students who are the core of the AISES National Conference event. During the ceremony, conference research presentation winners are announced and AISES scholarship recipients. Sponsor(s) will be acknowledged in the conference program and will have the chance to share a brief (3-minute) pre-recorded address for the event. 

Closing Awards Ceremony ($20,000 investment or 2 co-sponsors at $10,000)
The Closing Awards Ceremony celebrates AISES and the students, professionals, and partners who are a part of our journey. At the event we will also pay tribute to the 2020 Professional of the Year awardees. Sponsor will be acknowledged in all conference materials and throughout the virtual event.

Student Social ($10,000 investment or 2 co-sponsors at $5,000) 
A virtual student social will be held on Friday evening on the Virtual Platform only. Sponsors can showcase a 3-minute pre-recorded video and will receive list of all attendees. 

Professional Members Mixer ($10,000 investment or 2 co-sponsors at $5,000)
A virtual professional member mixer will be held on Friday evening on the Virtual Platform only. Sponsors showcase a 3-minute pre-recorded video for guests and will receive list of all attendees. 

Networking Suites ($5,000 investment)
This networking event offers a series of simultaneous virtual group chats for conference participants to meet others with common interests and careers. As a casual networking opportunity, preceding the College & Career Fair, many use this time to meet and mingle with students and to set up meetings and interviews.  This year, AISES will offer Virtual Networking Suites on Wednesday evening. Suites available for sponsorship include:  

Armed Forces/Intelligencesold
Natural Resources, Food and Agriculturesold
Health and Medical Science

Tech, Telecom and Casino Gaming
Manufacturing and Consumer Goods
Other (Call for other possible suites or to purchase a company branded suite)


Sponsors will also be acknowledged at each Virtual Networking Suite with logo placement and link to company website. Sponsors will receive a list of any attendees visiting the Virtual Suite. 

Other Exciting Sponsorship Opportunities

Hackathon ($10,000 investment, 2 available)sold
hackAISES sparks creativity and ingenuity within Native students about the various possibilities technology offers while also fueling innovation and showcasing how technology can be a powerful tool within their own communities. Support this conference event with a sponsorship and by offering support to participants.
Select from:

  • High School Hackathon
  • College Student Hackathon

Conference Program Printing ($10,000 investment)
Receive the back cover of the program for your full-color advertisement. This is an exclusive advertising opportunity; as only Medallion, Jade, Turquoise or Sweetgrass sponsors can place ads in the conference program.

Winds of Change Magazine Advertising

Gemstone Sponsors can benefit from advertising discounts in the Winds of Change Magazine that guarantees print and digital visibility to all AISES members and supporters. In addition to the premier national magazine, Winds of Change publishes a twice-monthly Paths to Opportunities digital newsletter and three websites. Learn more about Winds of Change Advertising.


Candace McDonough
National Sales Director



Sponsor Cancellation and Refund Policy

Upon receipt of invoice, payment, and/or successful registration for the conference through the AISES platform, sponsors will have agreed to an investment amount and confirmed their participation. Sponsors no longer able to participate must notify AISES by July 1, 2020. In the case of cancellations, AISES will work with sponsors to either: 1) grant a refund of sponsorship commitment with a 25% processing fee, 2) apply the entire sponsorship to the AISES 2021 National Conference, or 3) allocate the sponsorship to AISES programs. No cancellations or refunds will be made after July 1. Cancellation and refund requests must be sent in writing to AISES Chief Development Officer, Kellie Jewett-Fernandez at

AISES National Conference Cancellation Policy

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) will have no liability to event registrants (whether they attend the event in person or virtually) on account of any loss or damage resulting from any delay, failure, or cancellation with respect to its National Conference if such delay or failure is caused, in whole or in part, by acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, earthquake, fire, explosions, situations that make it inadvisable to travel or gather in large groups, or other events, including occurrences or causes beyond the control of AISES (each a “Force Majeure Event”).

If AISES should have to cancel its National Conference (whether it be a combined in person and virtual live event, an all in person event, or an all virtual live event) for a reason other than a Force Majeure Event, registrants will be given the option of a refund for their registration fees according to the AISES registration cancellation policy as noted here/or listed above, or to donate their registration fees to AISES.

Our Sponsors