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Navigating the Virtual Conference

Navigating the Virtual Conference

The AISES National Conference is Now a Virtual Event

AISES is excited to announce the 2020 AISES National Conference will continue as planned as a virtual event, with the addition of an all-new virtual format and activities. Learn More

All attendees must be registered by October 5th to receive access to the event.

Navigating the Virtual Conference

The 2020 AISES National Conference will continue as a one-of-a kind virtual event. The virtual conference platform will provide those participants attending the AISES National Conference access to multiple conference activities. The virtual conference platform will allow participants to connect with attendees through rich interactive tools such as audio/video/text chat, polls, webinars, and videos in an immersive environment to get the conversation going.


Virtual Platform Lobby

Once a visitor logs in, they are taken to a 3D lobby that functions as a launchpad guiding them to various sections of the event. The lobby and all sections of the virtual platform are mobile responsive for viewing on mobile devices

Virtual Conference Lobby



AISES will host 50 live and pre-recorded sessions on the virtual platform, including oral research presentations. Both pre-recorded and live sessions will have chat functionality to allow participants to ask questions. Recording of all sessions will also be available after live sessions are complete.

Virtual Sessions


College and Career Fair

Exhibitor booths allow exhibitors to post content to share with attendees, such as flyers, documents, videos, and more. Virtual attendees are provided with a virtual briefcase to store documents. Booths also provide chat forums to interact with attendees and have the option of one-on-one video/audio chat between exhibitor and attendee. Booths are customizable so that exhibitors may brand their booths to fit their needs. View more information on the Virtual College and Career Fair.

Virtual Exhibit Hall



Attendees can chat and network with each other as well as sponsors, partners, and speakers.

chat window example


Poster Presentations

Poster presentations will happen in a second virtual exhibit hall. Presenters will be able to use the chat forums to interact with attendees and judges.

poster booth example

Additional Features

  • Help Desk
  • Polling and Surveys
  • Quiz abilities
  • Gamification
  • Scavenger hunt
  • Social Media Feeds

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