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Winds of Change Discounted Advertising

The AISES National Conference is Now a Virtual Event

AISES is excited to announce the 2020 AISES National Conference will continue as planned as a virtual event, with the addition of an all-new virtual format and activities. Learn More

All attendees must be registered by October 5th to receive access to the event.

Winds of Change Discounted Advertising

Gemstone Sponsors can benefit from advertising discounts in the Winds of Change Magazine that guarantees print and digital visibility to all AISES members and supporters. In addition to the premier national magazine, Winds of Change publishes a twice-monthly Paths to Opportunities digital newsletter and three websites:,, and

These high-value resource and recruitment tools deliver results for associations, governments, and corporations, as well as for colleges and universities across the United States and Canada. Winds of Change offers year-round possibilities for all advertisers to engage Indigenous North Americans interested in academic and career achievement and advancement in STEM disciplines.

Increase your reach by advertising in the Paths to Opportunities digital newsletter that is delivered twice a month to 14,000+ target audiences with unparalleled specificity.

Strength in Numbers

Winds of Change magazine is published five times annually – three print and two digital-only issues. Print editions are mailed to over 6,500 students and professionals, and the companion digital edition, available at for download 24/7, is emailed in a format enhanced for mobile devices to over 14,000 members and subscribers. Each Paths to Opportunities student version newsletter highlights news of scholarships, fellowships, and internships. Each Paths to Opportunities professional edition newsletter highlights news and information on career development, internships, and employment opportunities for STEM professionals. Mobile and desktop audiences gravitate to our publications because of the top-quality advertisers, content, graphics, and images.

For questions about advertising contact Candace McDonough, National Sales Director at or 720-552-6123.

Winds of Change Media Discounted Gemstone Advertising Options

AISES is here to help increase your awareness online and in print. We offer customizable packages that may be leveraged for a larger purchase. We can create a package to fit your business and any budget.

  Medallion Jade Turquoise Coral Lapis Onyx
Winds of Change Fall issue (in attendee bags) Full-page ad Full-page ad Full-page ad Half-page ad Third-page ad Quarter-page ad
Winds of Change National Conference
Wrap-up (digital issue only)
Full-page ad with animated effect in the digital edition Half-page ad with animated effect in the digital edition Quarter-page ad with animated effect in the digital edition Quarter-page ad with animated effect in the digital edition Quarter-page ad Quarter-page ad
Paths to Opportunities newsletters – (digital only) Skyscraper banner Skyscraper banner Skyscraper banner Skyscraper banner Closing banner Closing banner
Total Value $6,500 $5,900 $4,890 $3,970 $3,010 $2,590
Discounted Gemstone Sponsor Cost. (only included with sponsorship) $5,900 $5,400 $4,400 $3,400 $2,400 $2,000


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